

Thursday, September 19, 2013

YouTube application for watching video without internet

Aspiring Google is always to help people to get the most number of viewers to their videos, and as part of this effort will Google After nearly a month the launch of a new feature and wonderful allow users to YouTube on smartphones to watch videos without the need to use the internet, but for a period described by Google some timewithout giving any further details in the official blog.
It is noteworthy that this site, which bought Google since 2006 for $ 1.65 billion, achieved from one period to the other numbers huge hits, it attracts now about visits is estimated at one billion unique person per month and is lifted more than 100 hours of video every minute addition to see what approximately 6 billion hours of video on a monthly basis.
It is assumed that this service will soon reveal a new logo as the picture shows listed above, where the company changed your YouTube logo front-official Facebook and Twitter and the application of the Android system and iOS.


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